Benchmark and property analysis

Investors can benchmark their performance against other investors in the market. By analyzing the success rates, margins, and strategies of others, investors can measure their success, identify areas for improvement, and adopt best practices to enhance their investment outcomes.

Privy’s Investor Activity data can educate you, unlike any course. Learn what kind of investments are working and where they are working.

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Powered by live real estate market updates

Every major feature across Privy is populated with real-time multiple listing service (MLS) data—from single-family rentals to fix and flips. This data is fused with public property records and lender data for the 360° market analysis needed to generate accurate real estate comps and help you make smart investment decisions.

This actionable property information is accessible in an easy-to-digest dashboard and would be easy to share with an appraiser. It provides detailed information on listing price, sale price, lot size, square footage, property ownership records, tax assessments, market conditions, home value, renovations, changes in number of bedrooms and bathrooms, mortgage information, voluntary and involuntary liens, demographics, and neighborhood characteristics.

Map of Los Angeles market showing Investor Activity

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Understand market value and generate impactful valuations with a tool designed to enhance your real estate comps and investment strategy.